Richter Formteile
Your partner for your individual molded parts
Metal moulded parts are our passion. At the same time, you as a customer have always been at the centre of our development at Richter Formteile. We are constantly working on ourselves so that we can offer you smooth processes and consistently high quality at the best conditions. We have long since ceased to be a mere supplier of metal mouldings. We are your companion along the entire value-added chain and are at your side every step of the way with help and advice. To this end, we make optimal use of the opportunities that globalisation opens up for us for cost-efficient, fast production.
produced parts in 2022
years of experience
moved tons of metal in 2022
av. part weight in grams
We would like to support you
It is our full service that sets us apart. From consulting and production to pre-financing and storage to just-in-time delivery of your drawing-compliant products. We take care of every single step for you. Only when you are satisfied, are we satisfied.
You can rely on our expertise in development and production as well as in procurement and logistics. You benefit from more than 40 years of experience with moulded metal parts and a wide range of services.
Because precision is just the beginning!
Benefit from our international production network

Over the years, we have built up an extensive international production network for you. We have concentrated on Asia and Eastern Europe. We either have a stake in the production facilities there for our various casting and forging processes or we acquire annual capacities. We also review them regularly, make adjustments and expand them. This enables us to react adequately to all changes and innovations within the industry and to ensure a consistently high quality of our products.
Since the demands on cast and forged parts are constantly changing, up-to-date processes are of eminent importance. We stay on the ball for you so that we can continue to offer you moulded parts in all desired geometries, weights and materials.
Here we have put together all the information about Richter Formteile for you
You can download the presentations as a PDF file.
Our way
Richter Formteile: a success story
1980 – First Opening
Hans-Ulrich Richter founds the Richter Werksvertretungen e.K.
In cooperation with Thyssen Henschel (Kassel), drop and open-die forgings are produced at he company headquaters in Leonberg.
1990 – Largest facotry agency in the industry
The factory agency has developed into the largest industrial agency in Baden-Württemberg.
Hans-Ulrich Richter now also represents the companyHoogovens (Niederlande) in Germany. In addition, several foundires (automotive supplier) have been added. Sales: almoust 100 Mio. DM (approx. 50 Mio. Euro).
1990 – Founding of Richter und Weber GbR
After opening the borders to Eastern Europe, Hans-Ulrich Richter founds the Richter and Weber GbR.
Their goal: Purchasing in low cost countries (at that time Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and occasionally Asia) and resaling as a cheap quality products in the existing customer base.
2000 – Our first „Factory“
The company gradually moves to Wimsheim on the edge of the Black Forest in order to expand the Richter und Weber trading company with storage facilities, forklift works, etc.
2000 – Founding of Richter Formteile GmbH
After the unexpected death of previous business partner Günther Weber, the company was renamed to Richter Formteile GmbH.
Hans-Ulrich Richter's new business partner is Andreas Stenger, who takes over sales and lays the foundation for further growth.
2001 – New office space and shipping warehaouse
Richter Formteile GmbH moves back to Leonberg and rents a large shipping warehouse, as the storage facilities in Wimsheim are soon exhausted.
2013 – Generational change
Timo Richter, son of Hans-Ulrich Richter, joins the company.
2019 – Sharpening of the company positioning
Richter Formteile focuses on the production of smaller components (a few grams to a few kilos) in series or large series using the precision casting, sintering, metal injection molding (MIM) and drop forging processes.
All parts are delivered to customers out off the tooling, without further processing, or ready-to-install, including surface treatment and/or including assembly, just in time.
2020 – Hans-Ulrich Richter ends his sales activities
Hans-Ulrich Richter is retiring from active business, but will continue to be responsible for finance.
Timo Richter continues to develop the product range together with Andreas Stenger. Richter currently employs around 300 people in China and around 200 in India. In addition, production takes place in Turkey and Pakistan. After an incoming inspection, the formed metal parts are stored in Germany and delivered just-in-time.
2022 – One-stop
Richter Formteile moves within Leonberg to finally be able to combine office and warehouse under one roof.